Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Starting to make money online

Making money by blogging is a very controversial topic in the blogging community, but the fact remains - several people have made a lot of money blogging (up to $US 1000 per week - which is a LOT of money in some countries).

If you want to start a blog for free (or you don't know anything at all about computers) - go to http://www.blogger.com or http://www.wordpress.com and start a blog on one of the networks - for free - all you have to do is create a new user, choose the template you want & then you're ready to go - no money down!

Done? Good - Now, you can make money on your blog in several ways :

a) Advertisements on Blogs (Paid per Click) b) Affiliate Marketing (Paid per Sale or Lead) c) Writing a Blog for a Specific Company (Paid per Blog)

I was going to place all of these points together, but when writing point a) it got so large that I decided to split it in 3. So..... in this post I will discuss Advertisements on Blogs.

A) Advertisements on Blogs

This is probably the easiest way to make money blogging because you don't have to do anything - once you've set the ads up (placed them in your template), they are always there. So each time you publish a new blog, people see new adverts. Several companies offer advertising for your website or blog, some of the popular ones are discussed below.

Most people do not make a lot of money from this form of advertising on their blogs. You need to have high traffic websites - that is - blogs that get a lot of people visiting. But.... remember that it is money for nothing - so if you have a website, or a blog - you may as well have some form of advertising that you don't have to touch.

The good thing about this form of advertising is that there is no "waiting period" - so you can start a blog today - and straight away put advertising on it (as long as you have been accepted by the advertising company that is). You can also start getting clicks (and earn money) the day you publish your blog - you don't need to wait for someone to go away, come back, go away again, come back again & then decide to buy the product - this could take a few weeks.

The main companies that offer advertising options are as follows:

Google Adsense (Worldwide) - Adsense is good because it is content driven - so the ads will change to reflect what is written on the blog (for example if you are writing a blog about making money, the ads will be about making money, and if you are writing a blog about confectionery, your ads will be about confectionery). To put it basically, you will be paid depending on how much the advertiser is willing to pay for the keyword - so.... some words are worth 2c and other words are worth $2. The minimum payout is $US100 - this can take a fair bit of time depending on how much money you are making!
To start make money online with Google Adsense clik below

signup for google adsense

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