Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bnc Tutorial :

First download psybnc here. Then use ftp to transfer it to the server.
To extract its contents, type:
tar zxvf psybnc.tar.gz
After the files are extracted change directories, type:
cd psybnc
Now type:
make menuconfig
You will see a menu, similar to the one below.

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Shot at 2007-07-03

Use your cursor key to go down once, and stop when the blue bar is over the "Bouncer-Config" option. Now press enter. You will now see another menu. Press enter again. You should now see a number on your screen which reads "31337". Now use your left cursor key to scroll left twice, until the blue bar is on "Delete". Press enter.
Now that you have deleted the default port, scroll left once with the cursor key, and press enter. You will now see a screen which says "* 31337" in a text area. Use your backspace key to delete the 31337, and then enter a totally random port (which you will later use to connect to your bouncer) Note this port, as you will need it later. Now press enter, and then when you are returned to the previous screen, press your escape (ESC) key.

You should now be back at the main Bouncer-Config menu. Now you need to scroll down to the "Users" section, and press enter. Now use your right cursor and scroll across to "New", and press enter. You should now see a screen asking for the new users' details, illustrated below.

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Shot at 2007-07-03

To fill each configuration option, you must press enter. We'll work through them one-by-one.

Firstly, make sure the blue cursor is over the first option ("Login:"). Now press enter. You will see a new screen with a text area, and here you will need to enter the name you have in your IRC client for identd / E-Mail. Now press enter.

Now you need to press the down cursor once. The blue marker should now be over the "Nick:" option. Press enter. Here you should enter your normal IRC nickname. Now press enter.

Now you need to press the down cursor once. The blue marker should now be over the "Username:" option. Press enter. Here you should enter your IRC "real name" (this doesn't have to be YOUR real name, it can be almost anything, like a witty comment etc). Now press enter.

Now you need to press the down cursor once. The blue marker should now be over the "Password:" option. Press enter. Here you should enter the password you want to use when connecting to the bouncer. Now press enter.

Now you need to press the down cursor once. The blue marker should now be over the "VHost:" option. Press enter. Here you should enter the V-Host (IRC Hostname) that you want. Click here for the V-Host list. Note: You don't need to enter anything here, it is optional.

Now keep scrolling down until you are on the "Servers" option. Press enter. Now you should see a black box. Use your right cursor key until the blue marker is over the "New" option. Press enter. Now you should see a text area, here you should enter the server(s) that you want, in the following format:

irc.servers.com 6667

Once you are done, press enter.

The configuration procedure is now over. Now you need to exit the configuration. Scroll across to "Exit", and keep doing this until you are back at the shell.

Once you have returned to the shell prompt, type the following command:

You may be questioned about a security certificate. If this happens, just keep pressing enter until you get back to the shell prompt. Now all you need to do is start psyBNC. Type the following command:

you get an output similar to this:
----.,----.,-. ,-.,---.,--. ,-.,----.
| O || ,-' \ \/ / | o || \| || ,--'
| _/ _\ \ \ / | o< | |\ || |__
|_| |____/ |__| |___||_| \_| \___|
Version 2.3.1 (c) 1999-2002
the most psychoid
and the cool lam3rz Group IRCnet


Configuration File: psybnc.conf Language File: psyBNC Language File - English No logfile specified, logging to log/psybnc.log Listening on: port 4556 psyBNC2.3.1-cBtITLdDMSNpE started (PID 15714)

Then you have successfully configured and started psyBNC. Now all you need to do is load your IRC client. If you are using mIRC, then follow the following steps to connect to your BNC.

Firstly, open the Options section (CTRL + O). Make sure your E-Mail address and identd settings are the same as the ones you set in the psyBNC configuration menu, or psyBNC will not let you connect. Once that is done, simply type the following command in your IRC client to connect to psyBNC:

/server server.net:porthere passhere

*** porthere and passhere are the two options you set in the psyBNC configuration file (port and password).

If all goes well, you should see the IRC server's MOTD. Now you can begin using IRC as you would normally, but you must connect with the line above to get on to your bouncer.

Congratulations! You have now configured and connected to your bouncer!

1 comment:

Mikel said...

You can also add your server on your irc client after you connect using /addserver server.name.com :port

This is easier for those who don't have access to their shells. Although, if you don't have access to your shell you wouldn't need that whole setup :)